A Marathon Eve Pasta Party will be held in the Sean Hollywood Arts Centre, upstairs in Art Bar Funkel, on Sunday 25 May 2008 from 5pm to 7pm.
It's an ideal opportunity to share pre-race camaraderie with your fellow runners in a great social atmosphere the evening before the big day, ask questions to the leading runners or discuss strategy and tactics for the marathon and just soak in energy for the next day, all the while getting that essential "carbo-load" in preparation for the run. Participants of all three events (and their supporters) are most welcome.
There will be a variety of pasta dishes (vegetarians will be catered for) with a sports drink included in the price; a bar serving alcohol will also be open on the evening. To cover costs the ticket price has been set at £10 each; any profit made from the evening will be donated to charity.
Tickets are available for purchase at the Marathon shop (open weekends in the Buttercrane Centre) from Sunday 11 May; for those who may find it inconvenient to get their tickets at the Buttercrane, please send a private message to GaryBT or contact GaryBeattie@hotmail.com to make alternative arrangements.
As it is expected to be a very popular affair, with tickets available on a limited basis, it is strongly advised to get tickets as early as possible.